Where Kathleen adores the minuette, the Ballet Russes and Crepes Suzette, well, Robin loves her rock and roll, a not-dog makes her lose control -- what a crazy pair!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

the world and I

inspired by Robin, I tried the "world" version. This makes me look a heck of a lot worldlier than I actually am. I visited Montreal, once, for perhaps two days. Yet checking the "Canada" box gave me the entire landmass of Canada! China and the United Kingdom are equally deceptive; I have visited tiny corners of those huge honkin' pieces of land. But more astonishing is all the places I haven't been. All of Africa, all of South and Central America, not to say Australia and Central Asia -- completely untouched. It's a depressing prospect for someone who, as a child, dreamed of seeing the world.

In New York, it's a cliche, but the world comes to you. Just walking the dog, I can hear workmen speaking Mandarin, Russian and Spanish, or can stop to order takeout from Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Indian, Middle Eastern, Italian, Peruvian and French restaurants. A short subway ride in several directions can take me to locales where no one on the street is speaking English.

That's very fortunate, because I have no money, no vacation time, and a dog too psychologically fragile to be left in the kennel. I don't think I will be going anywhere for a while. New York will have to do. Forunately, it does.

create your own visited countries map

But then I have also hardly seen anything of this great nation of ours.

create your own visited states map


Blogger Erin said...

Well, as you know, your world map puts mine to shame. I think you have nothing to be ashamed of. Steve has always considered himself well-traveled, and he is, but still he's only seen 8 percent of the world's countries. So much to do ...

4:35 PM


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