More Twins!
In an odd coincidence, I wrote the twins entry the day before I learned this:
One of my oldest friends (in the sense of how long I have known her, not her chronological age) -- is pregnant with twins! Since she, like me, is 40 (we met in high school), this is a geriatric pregnancy, and given her history, risky.
These twins will be her first and, inshallah, last children. Let's take a moment of silence and hope for the very best for L. and her twins. She is just about out of her first trimester, which, to those of us in her geriatric pregnancy zone, is known as the most dangerous part. Later, they are just tiny and have to live in the NICU for a while. That will be OK. If you believe in any sort of omnipotent deity, call in your favors now.
Labels: twins
Congratulations to your friend! I find it horrifying that, when you're over 35, they call you "elderly" at the OB-GYN. We are officially old farts, my dear.
10:27 PM
First elderly at the OB-GYN, then everywhere else....
1:28 PM
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