Where Kathleen adores the minuette, the Ballet Russes and Crepes Suzette, well, Robin loves her rock and roll, a not-dog makes her lose control -- what a crazy pair!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

ramona the brave

In addition to our moving at the same time, Kathleen and I also must get rid of our cars. She doesn’t need one in Brooklyn; and my decision is more motivated purely by finances. Why dump $400 a month into my beloved, all-wheel-drive forest green (my favorite color!) Subaru Forester when I could have a cheap Ford minivan with 157,000 miles on it that we could buy outright?
The reason is this: Because I love my car. It has a name (Ramona), and it’s never left me on the side of the road, unlike other cars whose names (Walter, the fickle Ford Escort) I won’t mention. Besides, I think Ramona would be happy in Colorado. The snow and mountains will give her a good workout. And she’s green, the same color as my idealized vision of the Rockies in the summer.
Unfortunately, my family enjoys living in a house with four walls. We like having three meals a day, and clothes do cut the chill in winter. Silly family. So, as a matter of pure economics in these trying times, I have to face this.
I’ve never loved a car like I’ve loved Ramona. I don’t know that I ever will.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my wife and i like to buy the cars outright...they are cheaper and we have no payment...old red...was the name of my wife's car when we met..it was a 1975 chevy caprice..2 door but big and plenty of power with its v-8 mine was the tempo..now we have blue..a caprice station wagon circa 1991...and the grey..a 95 buick wagon...with our family we need cars like this...

8:40 AM


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