A request for Emily
As a postscript to Kathleen's eloquent entry, I'd like to mention a request by the parents of Emily Keyes, the girl who was killed here in Colorado. A TV producer friend who covered PeaceJam (more follows) told me this, and I found it touching.
Just two or three short weeks ago, before all this madness, Emily attended PeaceJam, an annual event here in Denver where Nobel laureates get together and give a series of talks about what we can do to promote peace in the world. One of the lectures Emily attended was given by the Dalai Lama, and she left inspired.
So in her name, her parents have requested that each person commit a random act of kindness each day. They say it's what Emily would have wanted. I'll say this again, at the risk of sounding like a broken record: What could be wrong with more love in the world? Sending love into the world can only make it a better place. And maybe, maybe it will tame some of the people out there who, for whatever reason, are wont to turn into monsters.
Here is an interview with her parents, in which they talk about Emily and about trying to move on.
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