Robin's roundup
First things first:

So the baby is nearly a month old now, the family has come and gone (and probably will be the subject of some other blog entry), and I FINALLY have time to sit down and write an update. That Kathleen is a persistent needler, and she’s right: I must get down to it.
So let me address some of the things she’s written here.
First: I must thank her for the birth announcement. Col (maybe I should call him The Colonel?) is a grand baby.
Second: I admire her fortitude for painstakingly typing out that which the Oxford English has to say about bouncing. My stars.
Third: I think the “finding stuff” phenomenon is a great one and, happily, not reserved for New York alone. I had a friend in college from Cary (NC), and her mother retrieved a fabulous Oriental rug in front of a chichi house, waiting for the trash collection; drove it straight to Chapel Hill; and put it in her apartment. I think this is what comes of growing up in a family of eight kids (which is something my children will find out about if we don’t watch out!). And I know that Dumpster diving is a great hobby of many Denverites. Since we got here, I have snurched a grill (complete with bag of charcoal and lighter fluid) and a vanity for my girls. But my booty pales in comparison with Kathleen’s. Dive away, girlfriend!
Fourth: I have seen photos of Kathleen’s apartment, and it is a thing of beauty. Even if its sticker price makes my blood run cold. But then, it’s Brooklyn. What would I expect? I just spend so much time kvetching about the price of real estate here in Denver, but I forget that there are places that are even more desirable, and Kathleen’s in one of them.
Fifth: Kathleen, remind me to send you Nigella Lawson’s mayo recipe. She swears it’s the easiest thing in the world to make, not that I’ve tried or anything. But I will agree, Deborah Madison can inspire one to great culinary feats.
I think that pretty much covers it, except to say again that I am so excited for Kathleen. Mazel Tov! Good things.
Don't admire my fortitude on typing the bouncing entry. I do not have kind of fortitude or typing chops. That was Control c, Control v all the way.
8:35 PM
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